Sunday 22 September 2013

Production Diary: 20/09/13 - Preliminary Task

This week I put the finishing touches on my preliminary task and typed up the evaluation.

We have also produced a survey for product research for our music magazines. I can see how beneficial this will be for the final product, assuming the people who fill in the survey are the target audience. 

This will help me understand what the audience is looking for in a music magazine and what features it will include. I hope to get a good number of people looking at my Survey in order to receive the optimum amount of input.

Once more, I have been considering possible genre of music magazine to create. I had briefly considered a very childish pop magazine in the vain of Top of the Pops, but I have become aware that it will be problematic to photograph as it'd be rare to have a photo of the models where they look like anything other than a sixth-former attempting to be a Pop-Star.

I have settled on an Indie-Rock magazine, and I am considering outfits as it is likely to lend itself to the colour scheme. One possibility is using a countries' flag, such as the Union Flag as that is a very recognisably iconic set of colours and reinforces the Indie or Lesser Known aspect as it suggests it's focusing on the British music industry.

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