Friday 27 September 2013

Production Diary: 27/09/13 - Proposal Development

This week we have worked on our Proposal and creating a profile on our target audience.

For me, this has actually been very enjoyable, as I like creating the sort of character who would read my magazine. It’s a lot of fun imagining who would be the kind of person who would read this magazine, and come production I can see myself tailoring the needs for “Scott”.

The Proposal is a bit more difficult. Finding a Unique selling point is very hard and the one thing I thought was original - weekly, but artistic and high quality - is actually being covered by NME. I now have the choice of developing something entirely new (and potentially not as successful) or working on something similar and risk covering the same ground.

I am contemplating appealing to the obscure-indie side of things, so obscure; they're only artists on YouTube. This could add to a higher focus on the digital side of things as this audience are more likely to want to access it like that. Digital also means an option for a cheaper copy as it doesn't have to be printed.

Overall, I am still enjoying this topic. On Monday I will be posting a video of my analysis of Double Page Spreads inside established music magazines using different software not yet seen on my blog, so stay tuned!

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