Wednesday 16 October 2013

Props and Costumes

Here is a look at some of the props I chose to use for the photoshoot.

As I wanted to portray my model as being as approachable and down to earth as possible, I decided to use some novelty Toys to achieve this. To keep it striking and visually interesting the ones I chose were individual and slightly out of the ordinary - hence the giant Lego Mini-figure and using a Gameboy Colour instead of a newer PSP.
It's normal size - I'm just playing with the persepective.

The Guitars served as a reminder that my model is a musician and as the instruments were slightly battered, it enhanced the themes I was developing - even though they are successful, music these artists don't mind using an older instrument. 


This is my model in costume. I specifically asked him to wear these things to create the look I intended. He needed to wear an outfit that would gain him respect (which was presented through the jacket and shoes) but the jeans and T-shirt relay that he is laidback. The smart/casual look was what I wanted to create.

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